Airtel Tanzania supports cancer patients

AIRTEL Tanzania through Airtel Divas has donated medical equipment for patients suffering from cancer at the ocean Road Hospital in Dar es Salaam.

The move follows last month Airtel Divas breakfast fund-raising to solicit funds to assist women and children suffering from the disease.

Speaking during handing over, Airtel Divas Chairperson Ms Amitin Mbamba, said “we understand women and children are highly suffering from cancer in commemorating the 2014 women’s day, Airtel Divas decided to hold a fund raising to enable us purchase hospital equipment for ocean road Hospital.

And today we are happy to handover two stretchers and two wheel chairs worth 5m/- to the hospital.” Airtel Divas is an initiative across all Airtel operations in Africa, aiming at emancipating, liberating, and creating strong women of substance, who even though they come from different backgrounds, culture, and race, still have the determination and drive to succeed in life.

The initiative supports Airtel’s ability to attract, retain, and develop talented women. In Tanzania it was launched on the March 2012.