Let's be honest - malware is very, very uncool. Unfortunately, though,
it's out there and it's even spreading its corruption to our peaceful
and happy mobile world. The bad news is that mobile malware has
substantially grown in 2012, by no less than 163%, compared to 2011. Not
surprisingly, 95% of the infections have taken place on Android
devices, seeing that it's one of the most open operating systems around.
The research has been done by NQ Mobile, which is, surprise, surprise, a
mobile security company. Now, just because NQ Mobile is a security
company doesn't mean that we should totally ignore their message, but it
does mean that things may not be as ugly as they try to present them.
According to the research, more than 32.8 million Android devices have
been infected in 2012. This doesn't seem like a small number at all,
even considering the astronomical sales of Android devices.
Despite being a major market, though, US and Africa users shouldn't be too worried,
because most of the malware attacks seem to be focused on China, India
and Russia. We certainly aren't the kind of people who'd recommend that
you install a security app on your phone, not just yet at least, but
it'll certainly be a good idea to limit those non-Play Store downloads
as much as your can.
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» Mobile malware has grown by 163% in 2012, 95% of it targetted Android
Mobile malware has grown by 163% in 2012, 95% of it targetted Android
Posted on 9:26 AM