The company has also said they have set aside US$100,000 for the Tanzanian market this year, with an additional US$1 million for the East African market.
Alcatel intends to introduce tablets and data services in the country, Tanzania Daily News reports.
Success in Kenya, where the company has reportedly sold over 40,000 handsets in three months, has spurred the company to venture into Tanzania. The Kenyan success has been attributed by Alcatel to the low prices and quality products they offer.
“We have carefully studied the market and learned that it has serious competitors but that will not hamper our focus on having the third slot by the end of 2013", Nicholas Visser, marketing manager for Southern Africa, said.
Tom Riungu, regional account manager for East Africa, pledged Alcatel’s continued drive and growth in East Africa, focusing on Tanzania. He expects their market share to be 15 per cent in the next three years.